We Drank in Blue, We Dressed in Blue

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month in the US, and today is Dress in Blue Day - an initiative started by the Colon Cancer Alliance to raise awareness about the disease...

Which, by the way, is the second most common cancer in men and the third in women. Colon cancer is the second-leading cause of cancer deaths in the US - but it is also the MOST BEATABLE of all cancers when it is found early through regular screening. Consider yourself aware!

I have been an advocate for colon cancer awareness in the US for the last six years and have been wanting to do something across the pond to spread the message of awareness and prevention. And so it was with the very generous support of our Cambridge Business School Club that we put on "Drink in Blue, Dress in Blue" last night to kick-off Dress in Blue Day.

The event was a marvel, if I do say so myself. It is a true testament to the awesomeness of our class that we could host a party in our MBA Syndicate Room (a rather sad, decrepit room with a zany color scheme that is home to our microwave, foosball table, and a fleet of computers that have possibly been there since I was in middle school. Which is fitting, because as I told my fellow bartender last night, the event was basically like a middle school party but with alcohol! And a karaoke machine! Cake and crisps were also included) and have a great time.

What? You don't believe that we can turn even the oddest of spaces into party central? Perhaps the photographic evidence will change your mind...

Enough said.

Except: a HUGE THANK YOU to the CBSC and EVERYONE who came out last night. Thank you. You are not just now a big fan of Blue Hawaiians, but you making a difference in the fight against cancer.

With big love for the JBS MBAers,



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Easter Term Events...

9 June, 6:00-7:00PM
Marie Taylor, Personality Coach and Founder, Living Right Now

About Us

We are the women of the 2008-2009 MBA class at Judge Business School, University of Cambridge. We have descended upon Cambridge from all corners of the globe for one crazy year. Join us as we navigate a twelve-month MBA program with a 4:1 male to female ratio at an 800-year-old university. We are in for quite an adventure!

Questions? Comments? Email us at jbswomen08{at}gmail.com!

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